I guess that means we get six more weeks of summer?
Fine by me.
I was worried that if I didn't post on a more regular basis that no one would read my blog, but half of my posts go uncommented anyway, so I decided that I don't care.
I'll write when I feel like it.
I love how everyone is getting so surly all of a sudden.
I love how everyone means "me and M-schwa."
Let's form a union.
We should become Blog-Teamsters.
That gives us the right to be extra-lazy.
Not that I need any help in that department.
I'm not sure that I enjoy the layout of my blog.
It's so white and boring.
Things may be changing a bit in the next couple of days.
We'll see.
If I can summon the motivation.
Not likely.
Fragments are fun.
I had such an awesome time this weekend.
Wet'n'Wild on Saturday with Leslie and the Tally Crew, along with Steven and David, was a blast!
Happy Birthday Leslie!
Steven, who had never been to a water park and tends to be afraid of water, did so well that no one even knew, until just now when I blew his cover.
I was proud, even though he wouldn't go on Bomb-Bay with me.
Then Sunday was ice skating for David's birthday.
Happy Birthday David!
Again, we all had a great time.
I was a little bit disappointed in myself for not being able to do even a slow scratch-spin, but I guess maybe I shouldn't have expected so much, since I hadn't been on the ice at all in about six years and quit training 10 years ago, but still I was hoping it would all come back a little faster. Maybe I need to start training again.
Anyway, again I was proud of Steven since he had only been ice skating once before in his whole life; and not only did he not fall all night, but when I spun with him, he was able to keep his balance...sort of.
Cathy Thompson and Jeffy got some awesome pictures, and they even got a video of Steven and me spinning.
Good times.
Then I had one of my most violent episodes of pain-laughter that I can remember.
It hurt my heart.
It felt like my lungs were going to implode.
Good times.
We were sitting at Be-Nigg'ns enjoying food and Death By Chocolate.
mmmm...Death By Chocolate.
Somehow we got on the topic of funny porn movie names.
That's where you take an actual film name, and make it sound dirty like:
Saving Private Ryan becomes Shaving Ryan's Privates.
Things like that.
Then Kris said: Terms of Enrearment.
That was the funniest thing ever.
I think it was so funny to me because I'm a really visual person.
The images that went blazing through my mind are too hilarious for words.
And we'll just leave it at that.
Here are some fun pictures from Sunday's Ice Capades:

Group 1 features Bob, Kris, Jeffy, David, Sarah, Miller, Steven, and me.

Group 2, starring Sarah, David, Travyson, Jeffy, me, and Steven÷2.
Finally, here's me and David, enacting...something...And in the background there's Cathy Thompson in blue. She's either going, "What are those retards doing?" or "Holy crap! I'm about to fall!"

While I knew it was a Simpsons reference, I couldn't exactly remember which episode it came from so I looked it up. (again "why I love the Internet" by TM)
Four of the seven Duffs at Duff Gardens theme park:
I actually got "surly" from the "Radioactive Man" episode:
Homer: Oh, I always wanted to be a Teamster. So lazy and surly...mind if I relax next to you?
I had a blast - it was one of the awesomest birthdays ever.
And you were laughing so hard that you got me laughing insanely. To the point that you didn't even hear me add Hannah And Her Blisters.
...and leave us not forget the species of gay dinosaurs that we invented: The Stickasoreass.
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