Let's start from birth:

My birth was a long, arduous process.
That shell was tough to crack through.
As you can see, I made it out just in time, while the dinosaur behind me was eating my twin.
It was all very sad, but a shining example of survival of the fittest.

Thanks to David for getting this picture scanned.
While not part of our trip, I wanted to show everyone what I looked like as a toddler.
I was 3 here.
As I got older, thankfully, I lost all of that baby-muscle.

Isn't that a Scream?

I think it stinks.
"I just hate you and your ass face!"
Bonus points if you can guess what movie that quote came from.
So all of these pictures, with the exception of toddler-me, were taken at the Haunted Monster Museum/Dinosaur Kingdom.

This is a dead rhinoceros beetle that we found outside the Wax Museum.
I've never seen one alive that I can recall.
It was huge!
Did you know...
the rhinoceros beetle can carry 850 times its own weight?
Proportionally, it's the strongest creature on Earth.

So this was an Arbor Vitae tree.
This more than 1600 year old specimen of the Arbor Vitae tree was the oldest and largest known in the world. It's diameter measures 56 inches. Depending on climatic conditions that determine its growth rate, the arbor vitae increases in diameter about one inch every 30 years. Native Americans use the foliage as a source of Vitamin C to prevent scurvy.
Neat, except that this tree died in 1980.
They've been using a tree that has been dead for 25 years as an attraction on the path to the Natural Bridge.

Blacklight fun at the Mystery Hill Museum in Blowing Rock, NC.
This is my impersonation of Pink Floyd's The Wall.

Hi! I'm the lost member of Wham! in the "Jitterbug" video.

So here we are at the mystery river.

Here's me with my brother's precious doggies, Nasha and Timber.
Poor Timber has issues with some torn tendons in his back legs. He was in a lot of pain.
He's the one on the right who looks all sad and hurt.

These are the Grandfather Mountain Otters.
They were eating their lunch of severed fish heads.
We named them.
The one in back on the right is TM Otter because he ate like food was going out of style and was the first one done eating, and then he went around harassing the other otters trying to steal their food.
The one in the foreground is Steven Otter, because he took the longest to eat and wasted all the other otters' time while they were waiting for him to finish so they could all play together, and TM Otter was particularly chasing after his food and trying to steal it from him.
And because I also speak otterese, here's what they said:
TM Otter: You're taking too long to eat. We want to play. Give me that food, I'll eat it for you.
Steven Otter: Fuck off. I can eat it myself.
TM Otter: Hurry!! Faster!! *sigh* You're taking too LONG!!
TM Otter did not get the food from Steven Otter, but he did make Steven Otter eat faster, so then they all went and frolicked in the water, and they all lived happily ever after.

LOOK!! Another lie:
"You are on the most rugged mountain in Eastern America; be careful!"
THE most rugged mountain?
Says who?
I'd bet that Mt. Washington (in NH), and Mt. Mitchell (also in NC) would beg to differ, along with probably a dozen others.
Lying bastards.
Okay. That was the last picture that I'll be posting for a while. I promise.
Yay! I just got my first spam-comment!!!
I guess it's time to turn on word verification.
I got my first spam comment yesterday.........
Loved the pics, comments and especially the Otterese Story.
Larry marty
More Toddie slideshows!
These are funny.
Oh, and try new Good AssYogurt!
"I just hate you and your ass face!" from Waiting For Guffman...right? Do I win a prize? By the way, I've enjoyed reading about your mini-ventures.
Genna wins the prize!
Waiting for Guffman
For correctly guessing the film, you win tens of pennies in cash and prizes.
I'll hook you up with your prize at school.
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