06 July 2005

Don't Dream It, BE It

I realize a little more every day that I share some personality traits with my parents. Now, I love my parentals more than my luggage, but I have spent the greater part of my adult life making it a point to be NOTHING like the other members of my family. Dysfunction aplenty in the Hayes household, let me tell you.

The one trait that keeps rearing its ugly head is my quick temper...thanks Dad! :-) I'm ordinarily the happy-go-luckiest of the happy-go-lucky, but it doesn't take much to change that. I guess there's probably a reason why I don't have too many friends, because when I distance myself from people, they are less able to irritate the shit out of me.

Anyway, long story short. Don't be fake. It's annoying. Also, if you know that you're not very bright, please make a valiant effort to refrain from making idiotic statements. Thank you, I appreciate it.

Disclaimer: If I thought that anyone that I spoke ill of was going to read this, I wouldn't bother to write it, so rest assured that whatever I say is not about YOU, generic blog-reader, whomever you might be...


Anonymous said...

I'm learning that, thank you...

ChrissyLou said...

I hear ya brother!!! ;) (You werent talking about me... right???)

Generic blog reader.....