20 July 2005

Death By Radish

'Kay, so...
I'm at school this morning, on a break, and Genna, the evil wench who sits two people down from me on the "Cool Kids' Wall" talks about how Erin, my li'l pumpkin who sits betwixt us and is another member of the Kids on the Wall, gave her radishes to snack on.
To snack on?
I = confused
Apparently, I had never had a radish before.
That sort of thing happens often to me.
I was 18 the first time I ever ate a pickle.
I was 15 the first time I ever ate an egg, ever.
Seriously! I'm not kidding.
So the evil, horrible Genna gives me a radish.
I think, why not? It's a vegetable, how bad could it be?
I bite into it, and I say, "hmm...interesting...I don't really enjoy this very much, and I don't think I'll be snacking on radi....HOLY CRAP I'M ON FIRE!!!!"
Why the hell would something like that exist in nature?
I don't eat spicy foods. I CAN'T eat spicy foods. It causes me physical pain and burns my mouth. Who the hell enjoys eating shit that burns like a thousand white-hot suns?
The nasty, wicked old Genna knows that I can't eat spicy foods, yet she still allowed me to eat the radish. She said, "It just needs some salt."
Of course, I had no milk handy to soothe my pain, so I drank about a liter of water to try to put out the raging inferno scorching the inside of mouth.
That was not pleasant.
So then I told the wretched, mean-spirited Genna (who from now in perpetuity will be colored brown in my blog because it reminds me of the poo that I wish to fling at her) in my most intimidating voice, "ohhhhhhh...you are SO getting blogged about!" complete with squinty-eyed stares and finger pointing.
I love how that has become a viable threat.


Alyson said...

Yep, inclusive of the 3:00 a.m. talking-in-his-sleep "Hey baby, I'm going to blog that, mmkay?"

I snack on radish chips all the time. I love them. (But I will be sure to never offer you any.)

And radishes aren't very hot at all. You must have had a freak radish.

tm said...

it's probably not so much the radish that's the freak, as it is me. Black pepper is a little too spicy for me, if you catch my drift.
What can I say, I'm Irish, we like our food BLAND.

Alyson said...

Weird...I'm Irish, but I can't get food spicy enough. At Thai restaurants, I always go for Thai hot, plus two. But then I'm also Texan. Probably explains a lot.

tm said...

hmmm...it must be the Texas thing...
...or maybe it's because I am also Polish and German and from Connecticut?
That seems like a bland-loving combination, maybe? possibly? I don't know...

David Almeida said...

I've never heard of a "spicy" radish... are you sure it wasn't a jalapeño or pepperoncini that she just told naïve little you was a radish?

Those veggie platters they sell at Sam's used to have raw radishes in them. My recollection is that they're kind of like slightly more interesting cauliflower. Not a lot of flavor unless you do something interesting with them.

(PS Love the poo reference)

ChrissyLou said...

Dont listen to them. Radishes are hot. And they burn my mouth, too.

ChrissyLou said...

Horseradish is spicy but doesnt burn the inside of your mouth like acid!

Anonymous said...

Dude! I lost my machine! I must have left it in your classroom when we were leaving school...I think..? It is not in my car and I just noticed now! Do you by any chance recall me leaving it...?


tm said...

Dude! I have no idea what you did with it. I'm sure it's there. At least I hope so. Would suck if it wasn't.
...completely unrelated note, did I tell you I just got a new machine?
(I'm totally kidding. I really don't know where it is.)
P.S.-why the hell would you 2-stroke other? It's /OERT duh!
P.P.S-what are you eating?
P.P.P.S.-is that baby food?
P.P.P.P.S.-do you remember ALL the way back to high school (2 years ago, you fuckin' infant)?
P.P.P.P.P.S.-did you used to write notes with a hundred P's in your P.S.'s?
P.P.P.P.P.P.S.-I did.
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S.-Way back in the day.
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S.-10 years ago for me.
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S.-It was fun!

Anonymous said...

Fuck. I hope it is there. I really can't remember...do you know if anybody is at school on Saturday, like Karen? Maybe I could call or swing by...I NEED MY MACHINE!!! And I don't know why I would make it a 2-stroker. I elongate many of my steno notes unnecessarily.
P.S.-No, it's yogurt.
P.S.S. Barely.
P.S.S.S.-No, because I wrote P.S.'s with extra S's, not P.S's with extra P's.
P.S.S.S.S.-You're old.
P.S.S.S.S.S.-I bet it was.

Get Naked.

tm said...

P.S.-stands for post-script.

P.P.S.-it doesn't make sense to say post-script-script-script.

P.P.P.S.-it does, however, make sense to say post-post-post-script.

Anonymous said...

Get Naked.