04 September 2005

Labor Day QUIZ Fun

Danger, Will Robinson!
The following is quiz-related information.
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10 years ago:
I was a sophomore in my first year at Florida State University. I was a double major in music and meteorology, but at this point I was getting the prerequisites out of the way and mostly concentrating on music. My principal instrument was the tuba. I was playing the tuba in the Marching Chiefs, a brass quintet, and one of the symphonic bands. I was playing the soprano saxophone in Salsa Florida, and the trumpet in the Campus Band. So basically I was playing upwards of 4 hours a day. Screw homework. But hey, now I've got the lung capacity of a blue whale. I was almost a year into my relationship with Melinda, so I was obviously not out to the world at this point. I had only left skating a few months before. At 6'2" I weighed about 145-150 pounds and was subsisting on saltines, peanut butter, and about 2 gallons of water a day in my quick downward drop to my bottom-out weight of 135.

5 years ago:
I had just finished my first month in my new career as a flight attendant. Because it's totally related to music and meteorology! Needless to say, I didn't graduate from FSU, I left after 3½ years, went and worked as a legislative assistant for a couple of years, and then got a job as a flight attendant with the specific intent of moving to Orlando. Mission: Accomplished, eventually. After getting on a healthy diet and spending the better part of a year and a half working out 3 hrs/day, 7 days/week, I weighed 195-200 pounds, still 15 pounds shy of my target weight of 210. I was between husband #1 and #2, in a brief period of solitude.

1 year ago:
I was flying again after a 1-year furlough, during which I went back to school to study stenography at the Stenotype Institute. Steven (husband #3) and I had been together for about 6 months at this point, and had already started our frequent and random travels. I was starting my 2nd year in the Orlando Gay Chorus. I accidentally surpassed my target weight and ballooned up to a nice, porky 240 pounds, which I prefer to blame on Steven for feeding me ice cream at one a.m. practically every night right before bed, and not on my lazy ass not working out.

Saturday of Labor Day weekend, most of the day was pretty low-key. Went to the Enzian to see "The Aristocrats" with David, Miller, and Miller's friend Donnie. Freakin' hilarious movie. Wendy Liebman still holds the prize, in my book, of one of the funniest interpretations of the infamous "Aristocrats" joke. She is one of my favorite comediennes. Check out Wendy Liebman's blog here, which also contains links to her webpage.
In life, I'm still in school speed-building my way through stenography, currently up to 100 wpm, truckin' along to that graduating speed of 225. Steven and I have been together for a year and a half, living together for a year, and traveling randomly and frequently. I've been maintaining my current porkiness at about 230-235 pounds.

5 snacks I enjoy:
I like anything chocolatey, anything bready, anything ice creamy, anything cakey, and anything dairy.

5 songs I know all the words to:
I know all the words to every song I sing, so that's somewhere in the vicinity of the mid-hundred thousands. I won't bother listing them.

5 things I would do with $100 million dollars:
buy a couple of big houses/lofts in my favorite cities (Miami, NYC, Orlando, etc.), buy my parents a big house wherever they want to live, fund my own personal music production company, travel around the world, and buy my way into the hearts and minds of the people.

5 places I would run away to:
name a tropical island paradise and I'm there.

5 things I would never wear:
umm...I don't know. I'm not sure there's anything I wouldn't wear for the right price or the right dare.

5 favorite TV shows:
Simpsons, Family Guy, Mad TV, Saturday Night Live, all reality shows.

5 biggest joys:
Steven, music, movies, my kitties, traveling.

5 favorite toys:
iPod mini, my old MINI Cooper, anything else with the word mini in it (I don't know, I don't really care about toys.), DVR? is that a toy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While at FSU, you ate a LOT of Oreos and gallons and gallons of milk. :) Your favorite movie list is very good, too, by the way.

Love, Cynthia