At least somebody thinks so. It's so rare for me to feel needed, or that someone would come to me for advice in an area of my expertise.
It made me so happy when I got an e-mail from Sarah French this evening asking for advice on flying and which airlines to use.
It's strange how the smallest gestures can affect people.
Sometimes I feel that my ditzy reputation has gotten a bit out of control.
Then I get upset with myself, because most of the time I feed into that particular perception of me on purpose.
Like when I test as Rose Nylund.
Or in the chorus.
I've learned that short of videotaping myself answering trivia questions or taking some sort of aptitude test, when someone gets it in their head that I'm some kind of dimwitted idiot, there's not much I can do to change their opinions.
I'm in the Orlando Gay Chorus. I'm also in a small ensemble of 8 guys called OUTLOUD!
We're in the process of recording a CD of the chorus's music over the next 3 days, but I digress.
All the members of OUTLOUD! have a female nickname, that they earn one way or another when they join the group.
My nickname is Paris-Nicole.
At first I thought it was funny, and accurate, but this has apparently added to the perception of me being a twit.
I earned my nickname by being a spoiled princess and not knowing my way around a kitchen or how to do any kind of ordinary housework and from goofing off and having fun, NOT from being dumb.
There are, however, not a small number of people in this world who will speak to me loudly and slowly like I can't process information normally, like I'm some ignoramus for sobbing out loud.
I've even gotten the whole, "How 'bout you just stand there and look pretty, hmm?"
What can you say when someone talks to you like that?
"Hey guys, I'm smart!" That doesn't work.
How about, "Listen, you freakin' retard, I knew more when I was 5 years old than you will ever learn your entire life!" No...that comes off a little bit cocky...
I guess I should just enjoy the fact that some people don't have very lofty expectations of me, and it's easier to impress that sort of person.
So I guess in that regard, maybe I am a lot like Jai.
He's actually a pretty phenomenal performer, so maybe there are worse people to be compared to.
Here's a picture of me, Steven, and Jai from Queer Eye in New York City:

You dimwitted fool. (Is dimwitted one word, two word...hyphenated? I don't know because I'm a non-cooking, spoken to loudly, ignoramus just like you!! Because after complete me
awww...J-Fern...maybe people just speak loudly to you because they think you can't hear with those huge holes in your ears?
Dont know you...but I started reading your blog because I thought you were WISE!!!! (and now Im hooked!)Give yourself some credit boy...
You obviously have some admirers, too... totally sweet. AWE.... ;)
At least you're getting one and not the other. Imagine if people thought you were stupid AND ugly. Then you're of no use to anyone!
(Yes. I am a bad person. I'm okay with that.)
To be pretty AND smart, and have people think you're dumb... I think you're looking at it the wrong way. It sounds to me like a very useful tool... TO DESTROY THE HATEFUL BASTARDS FOR SO CONTEMPTUOUSLY UNDERESTIMATING YOUR POWER!!!
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