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I know that it's not a full moon now, but I started thinking about this as I was watching my kitties have their midnight-crazies.The full moon makes people crazy. That is an indisputable fact. Some people may think that's an old wives' tale, but I know better.Just go for a leisurely drive on the Interstate during a full moon.If you don't notice that people have flipped a few extra crazy-switches, then you, in fact, are one of those crazy bastards.I'm here to help bring awareness to this issue.I firmly believe that if people would follow and understand the cycle of the moon, it would greatly diminish the effects of the full-moon crazies.I have little else to say on this topic, except that I'm tired of the already bad driving on the roads just to have it compounded exponentially every 28 days when the moon is full.People suck.So, put this moon-phase clock on your computer:...and do me a favor:When the moon is full, get your crazies under control or stay off the road.Thanks.
Thanks to David for this fun name game, but some of these REALLY don't an Amish kid doing Mad-Libs...1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current street name)Topper Ibis2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fav icecream flavor,favorite cookie)Mint Chocolate Chip Pepperidge Farm??? (ooh...feel the ghetto!)3. YOUR "FLY Guy/Girl" NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name)T-Hay4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)Green Dolphin (Dolph Green maybe, but not Green Dolphin)5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)Blank Vernon (...or if the Catholics had their way, it would be Robert Vernon)6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name, last 3 letters of mom's maiden name)Hay To-Sch7. SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd favorite color, favorite drink put "The")The Black Milk (that's just gross)8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers)Leo Thomas9. STRIPPER NAME: ( the name of your favorite perfume/cologne)Le Male10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (father & mother's middle name)Arthur Blank (maybe I'm related to Jerri...)
Thanks, Marcie, for giving me my first ever blog-tag.I don't really have that many "habits," but some of the ones that I do have are really odd.I saved the best ones for last.6 Weird Habits1. I will not leave the house without wearing something green, whether it's visible or not. That just means that if you can't physically see any green on me, I'm wearing green underwear.2. Whenever I read one book by an author, I have to read everything they ever wrote, even if I know that it sucks. For example, I have read everything by Stephen King. Literally. Everything. Even his nonfiction. I love his horror, but his book "On Writing" was the driest, most boring thing I had ever read in my entire life. It took me forever. I also read everything by Anne Rice. Even her erotica. The fact that she could even THINK of some of the things that happen in those books terrify me in a way I could barely describe.3. Most visibly, I can never go more than a month or two with the same outward physical appearance. I have had more different hairstyle and color combinations in the last 8 years than Madonna has had in 20. I actually blame Disney for that. If you don't already know the story, just ask. I'd be happy to share.4. At restaurants, or even at home, I absolutely CANNOT use the silverware if it touches the table at any point within my line of sight. It doesn't matter how clean the table is, or even if I cleaned it myself.5. In the same theme, I CANNOT use glasses or dishes if there is any kind of spot or stain on it, even if it just came out of the dishwasher and only has a waterspot on it. Whenever I lived somewhere that did not have a dishwasher, I refused to use real dishes and would only use disposable items.6. I have a mandatory formula or pattern for cookie-eating that corresponds directly to the layout of the cookie packaging. My favorite example is Oreos. Standard Oreo packaging is the 20-ounce package, which consists of 17 cookies in each of 3 columns in a tray. The cookies MUST be eaten in multiples of three so as to leave an even row across the top. If, by some act of great defiance to the better will of the Universe, the cookies are not eaten in a multiple of three; the pattern left in the tray MUST be symmetrical.Wow. I'm a freak.So, I'm not going to tag anybody, but I would love to hear from everyone else and see what their freakish things are.