14 September 2005

ZIUQ (Reverse-QUIZ)

Leave me a comment and I will respond to the following for you, about you, or something like that.
1. I’ll respond with a random thought I have about you.
2. I’ll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
(I don't want to wrestle, nor do I want jello, so I'm skipping #3.)
4. I’ll say something that only makes sense to you and me (or so we think.)
5. I’ll tell you my first memory of you.
6. I’ll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I’ll ask you something that I’ve always wondered about you.
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your blog.


Schmacko said...

OK - I'll trust you.

Alyson said...


(Word verification: usyifak. You say I fack...? Hmmm....)

Anonymous said...

Me next, and LOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOL I dont have a blog so I dont have to post it!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!

tm said...

1. You have no idea how happy it made me when I found out I was no longer the only veg in the group.
2. Well, the first thing that comes to mind is "The Simpsons," but since that's not a song or a movie I'll say "Drop Dead Gorgeous" because you're the first person I've met here in Orlando who shares my love for the hilarity.
4. A: Mom? MOM?
B: Whoa, whoa, whoa... you family?
C: No, she's just yelling, "Mom, mom," because she has Tourettes! She's Annette's kid you asshole.
5. Well, since my first memory is disputed, and I don't remember if it was before the Halloween party or not, we'll stick with Halloween 2003:
I thought to myself, "I hope these straighties aren't uncomfortable around men in drag! And I hope they don't think I do this on a regular basis..."
I had no idea how fun and cool you were at that point...
6. well, the obvious answer would be a kitty, so I'll say that...
7. Arewe ever going to actually have a movie night, hopefully this year?

tm said...

1. Gah, you're tall!
2. "Bosom Buddies" because I saw you sing it with your little friend Judy-What's-Her-Name.
4. You know I'm the best Audrey.
5. I guess it was Halloween 2003. I think you were the only person at the house not in costume. You seemed like a good kid with a bit of diva attitude, so naturally I knew right away that we would get along wonderfully.
6. A lizard. (I'm just saying that because you said you're scared of them. Scared of lizards? Bad move living in Florida, then, but we're glad you're here...)
7. Why are you scared of lizards? What did they ever do to you? (I guess that's two questions, but I prefer to look at it as 1 question in 2 parts.)

tm said...

1. You're horribly mean. Just kidding...sort of. I like you because you're weird.
2. "Girls on Film"
4. Where's my part?
5. This is a tough one. I don't even exactly remember when I met you. I know it was before I moved in, because I had to get the Miller-approval before David would let me move in. I remember you and David coming over to my old apartment where I lived with psychotic-roommate-#324, and I remember being horribly embarrassed because the situation was less than ideal to be making introductions.
6. A snail or a clam or something else with one big slimy foot.
7. Have you ever sucked a toe?

(If you haven't yet vomited, then my job is incomplete.
And hopefully you realize that I was joking about most of it.)

tm said...

So, how about I say that you were the only important person at the party not in a costume? Is that better?

tm said...

1. You're scary, like the straight male version of me, with all the biking and the injuries and rough-and-tumble-ness.
2. "Girl Fight Tonight" by Julie Brown because it's hilarious and disturbing and about girls fighting, which all remind me of you (all in a good way).
4. The Fellowship is alive, and Rupert and Charlotte tell me they've been having fun on your face again.
5. So, since I just officially met you not long ago and we didn't really get much chat-time, my first memory is of shouting "Hey! So, you like...stuff?" down the table at that neat restaurant in the middle of redneck-trashy Eustis.
6. A badger. Sure it looks all cute and cuddly, but don't piss it off or it will scratch your eyes out. (I'm creating this perception that you're really mean and nasty, but it's not true at all...I'm just kidding.)
7. So why are you so mean and nasty? No, really, when are we going to have our bowling and movies night?

(word verification: pocafx - Spanish for "little fucks")

tm said...

1. One of my best friends, even if we don't keep in touch as much as we should...our 8-year-friendship anniversary is in 26 days! woo!
2. So many songs, so little time. Our main songs together are "All Cried Out" by Allure, "Si No Te Conociera" by Jon Secada and Shanice, and the entire soundtracks to Rent and Aida.
4. So many private jokes, so little time. The first one that pops in my head is, "I said 'QUACK!!!'" Gainesville fun at Kimmy's house!
5. So many memories, so little time. Our first time hanging out was October 15, 1997. We stayed up all night talking, and slept all day. The first of about 100 times doing that. Screw going to class. But my first real memory of you was listening to you sing during Salsa Florida rehearsal. I sat right in front of you playing the soprano sax and when you sang that duet with Genie Kook (I think it was "Perfidia"? maybe?) I was all, "Holy crap! She's awesome! Women can sing that low?" My little Lelys is one of the best singers ever, with this big huge range I officially inducted you into my Immortal Club, of which I am still President thankyouverymuch. Bass chicks ROCK!!!
6. Leo the Lion!
7. I already know everything about you, or at least I used to, so I'll say: why don't we see each other/talk more often?