19 September 2005

Exactly What Kind of Fruit Are You?

And I'm not talking about Paul Lynde.
So here's the thing:
What's the deal with Fruit of the Loom?
Have you ever wondered about the fruit?
Check out the tag on your underwear...
I'll give you a moment.
There's an apple.
That's obvious.
Then you see red grapes (the purple ones).
Not very original, but then there's white grapes (the green ones).
And what's below the apple?
What the hell is that?
Then there are the commercials.
I don't really remember the old commercials from the 80s.
I would swear they used to have a banana and a green apple, but apparently they've been fired.
So now the "fruit guys" are a red apple, red grapes, white grapes, and some shriveled yellow thing.
What the hell is it?
Is it a retarded pineapple?
Is it some sort of decomposing squash?
Is a squash even a fruit?
Is it the raisin-version of the yellowy grapey thingy on the underwear tag?
Someone please enlighten me and tell me what sort of fruit this is that I'm getting from my loom.
Inquiring minds want to know.
All previous Internet searches have proved fruitless.
Pun intended.
Bonus points to the winner with the correct answer and not random speculation.

By the way, I finally finished doing those damn reverse-quiz things.
So scroll down and read my answers.
Sorry it took so long to respond, but I ended up going out of town on a random trip, so I'll be updating my travelogue later.
See below for the newest travelogue.


Schmacko said...

They're underwear kumquats???


ChrissyLou said...

Thank you for putting this in my head until it drove me crazy. I finally have an answer... I 'THINK' they maybe... well you know those yellow raisins that dole has.... Could it be those????