05 September 2006

1 Week Down, Too Many To Go

The workouts have been going along swimmingly.
I seem to have retained the ability to drop weight pretty quickly, so maybe my metabolism isn't as screwed up from anorexia as I thought. Maybe I'm just getting old.
I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job with eating healthier, too. Of course, I haven't been going to the movies and splurging on movie popcorn and cherry coke as often as I used to either, and that's only been because Steven and I haven't been able to coordinate our schedules.
Anyway, the important thing is to stay in the gym and keep working out, and then I shouldn't have to worry too much about changing my eating habits. Ease up on the junk food, that's all.
I've decided that I'm going to weigh in once a week, and check up on all the other stats once a month. I need to purchase a reliable scale, because right now I'm just taking the average of several measurements on different scales.
Current weight: 232
Weekly weight change: -4 pounds
Total weight change: -4 pounds

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