20 February 2006

Here's My Personality, How 'Bout Yours?

wow...This thing TOTALLY nailed me...hard!

It's crazy...Is that why my bum is sore?

Your Five Factor Personality Profile


You have medium extroversion.
You're not the life of the party, but you do show up for the party.
Sometimes you are full of energy and open to new social experiences.
But you also need to hibernate and enjoy your "down time."


You have low conscientiousness.
Impulsive and off the wall, you don't take life too seriously.
Unfortunately, you sometimes end up regretting your snap decisions.
Overall, you tend to lack focus, and it's difficult for you to get important things done.


You have low agreeableness.
Your self interest comes first, and others come later, if at all.
In general, you feel that people are not to be trusted.
And you're skeptical that anyone else really feels differently.


You have low neuroticism.
You are very emotionally stable and mentally together.
Only the greatest setbacks upset you, and you bounce back quickly.
Overall, you are typically calm and relaxed - making others feel secure.

Openness to experience:

Your openness to new experiences is high.
In life, you tend to be an early adopter of all new things and ideas.
You'll try almost anything interesting, and you're constantly pushing your own limits.
A great connoisseir of art and beauty, you can find the positive side of almost anything.

and a bonus feature:
Mariah Carey Shares Your Taste in Music

See her whole playlist here (iTunes required)

19 February 2006

10 Years Quiz

How old were you?
Where did you work?
I was a sophomore at Florida State University, so that ate up most of my time, but I would work an occasional 3rd shift at Krystal or at a convenience store to pick up some extra cash.
Where did you live?
Tallahassee, Florida, in scholarship housing (a 9-bedroom, 5½-bathroom house that I shared with 16 other guys). It was my 2nd of 11 different addresses in 5 years in Tallahassee.
Where did you hang out?
I was in 5 different bands, a fraternity, and I had recently joined the circus; so when I wasn't in some sort of rehearsal, I was at a party or just hanging out with friends somewhere on campus.
Did you wear glasses?
Contacts. I've been wearing contacts since I was 10.
Who was your best friend?
Probably either Cynthia Wyrick or Chris Hairston.
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend?
I was dating Melinda at the time. -- gay what?
Who was your celebrity crush?
Mariah Carey (just a talent-crush, not a hotness-crush)
Who was your regular-person crush?
I don't have "real" crushes when I'm in a relationship.
How many piercings did you have?
How many tattoos did you have?
What was your favorite band?
Mariah Carey. I don't do "bands," I do "singers."
What was your biggest fear?
That no one would like me.
Had you smoked a cigarette yet?
Had you gotten drunk or high yet?

How old are you?
Let's see. It's 10 years later, so I guess that makes me 28.
Where do you work?
I feel like I started life all over again. After 2 careers (Legislative Assistant, then Flight Attendant), I'm back in school and I just got a job as a server to supplement my lifestyle until I finish school.
Where do you live?
I live in Orlando, Florida, with David, where I've been for nearly 3 years. This is the longest I've lived in one place since I left home when I was 17.
Where do you hang out?
At home with the kitties and the DVR. I also love going to the movies.
Do you wear glasses?
Still wearing contacts.
Who is your best friend?
I'm not sure that I have a specific best friend, but the small handful of people who know me the best are probably Melinda, Leslie, and David.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife?
I've been with Steven for 2 years next month.
Who is your celebrity crush?
I have talent crushes on a multitude of singers.
Who is your real-life crush?
I still don't have "real" crushes when I'm in a relationship.
How many piercings do you have?
2 (navel and right nostril)
How many tattoos do you have?
3 (lower back, left ankle band, and right arm band -- all my own designs)
What is your favorite band?
Mariah Carey and Anastacia. I still don't do "bands," I do "singers."
What is your biggest fear?
I make it a point not to fear anything.
Have you smoked a cigarette?
Never have, never will.
Have you gotten drunk or high?
Never have, never will.

10 February 2006

They Don't Exist in Australia

I don't know who owns this blog:
funny stuff here
but whoever you are, you're a genius and I thank you for sharing my views.
I desperately despise the penny, and so does this person and this is what they had to say:
Are we done with the fucking pennies yet?
Because it is time. The American public hasn’t been using them for about a decade. They have become so worthless, that people give them to each other as a matter of routine. Get your change, pick out the pennies, and leave them there for the next guy. Need a penny or two? Well, there should be a few there for you, because the last guy sure as fuck didn’t want his. That’s the game.
I hate when stores don’t want to play by the game. If a store doesn’t have a little tray, I am immediately annoyed. The hell if I’m fishing another dollar out of my pants because it came to $5.02. When that cash register rings up $5.02 and you look at me, we’re fixing to have a long staredown. I’ll return an item before I break another dollar and let you give me three more of the fucking things in return. And that item probably had a profit margin of at least $.03 to you, so who’s the loser now? Get it? As long as they’re still around, you better play by the game.
When there is no tray, my normal routine has become to fish through my change and immediately pick them out and deposit them into the trash. Not only are they worthless, but they are disgusting, and I’m not carrying them around. Most have been in circulation for 20 years, and as the stepchild of your change purse, they have been given no love. They live in ashtrays, parking lots, and huge jars owned by 72 year old men who remember when they were worth something. Old copper is gross enough to start with. Add to the fact that they are covered in gum and shit and filth, and you need to wash your hands every time one touches you.
Think about this: a stamp costs $0.37. 37 pennies weigh 6 ounces. It takes about two stamps to mail 6 ounces of stuff. Therefore, if I wanted to mail someone 37 cents in pennies, it would cost me 74 cents. By my definition, it’s pretty clear cut. When a monetary unit can’t afford to mail itself, it’s worthless. Don’t get all cocky either, nickels…….you aren’t far behind. (I don’t really know how much 37 pennies weigh, that was just a guess. I have a scale in my office, and would find out, but I can’t. I threw out all my fucking pennies. Just trust me though….I’m right on this general principal. I know by instinct that they can’t mail themselves.)
Vending machines won’t even take them. They hired engineers to assure that any penny which entered the slot would be immediately routed straight to the change opening. Think about the engineering involved. Dimes, which are smaller than pennies, go right into the till, but they had to create some sort of mechanism that would sort out and eliminate any penny that enters the machine, lest they get involved with the REAL money that is in there, and gross it all up.
Have you ever tried to give one to a bum? Seriously. I almost got in a fight in San Francisco over the fact that I gave a bum some pennies. The man had no home, was hungry, cold, and hopeless, yet when I gave him a handful of pennies, he tried to spit on me. Fortunately, his lack of front teeth seriously affected his aiming abilities and I easily dodged the saliva-based projectile, but nonetheless.
Isn’t this enough evidence for Alan Greenspan and the Fed to say enough is enough? I now summarize my case:
1. Pennies are considered worthless, even by homeless people
2. Pennies are disgusting
3. Pennies can’t even mail themselves
4. Americans are actually giving them to strangers, like some nationwide game of hot potato
5. Vending machines are even too smart to take them. Their job is to take money, not pennies.
Case Closed. Please, Federal Reserve, I beg you. End the game.
I’m done with the fucking pennies.
Funny and true.
And as my title suggests, they absolutely do NOT exist in Australia.
It's a very simple concept.
It's called rounding.
Every cash register in every store everywhere in the entire giant nation/continent of Australia has a function called rounding.
If you purchase something, and the amount ends in .01 or .02, you round down to zero.
If said purchase ends in .03 or .04, you round up to 5.
And don't even get me started on taxes.
In Australia they have a flat 10% GST (goods and service tax), and 99 times out of 100 the GST is ALREADY INCLUDED IN THE PRICE.
There's none of that business of, "Oh, my purchases add up to $42, plus 6% sales tax, so that REALLY means it's going to cost $44.52, and I have $45 cash, so I think I can afford it."
It's like, if you're not a math-whiz you need to carry a calculator with you just to go shopping.
How difficult is it to just add the damn tax into the damn price your-damn-self and include it on the freakin' price tag?
Bastard stores.

Where To Begin?

So much life has happened in the last few months.
And I still promised myself to finish blogging about the San Francisco trip, which was back in September.
There have been several other trips to write about since then.
Not the least of which, of course, being SYDNEY.
I guess I better get on the ball before I forget what happened.
As if that could happen with the 9 million pictures I take everywhere I go.
The biggest current news is...
drum roll please
Snoop Doggy Dogg FINALLY got a jobby job.
I had a nice 8 month break from working and paying taxes.
To anyone who says, "All you NEED to do is pay taxes and die,"
I say nay-nay!
You don't have to pay taxes, just quit working.
And if you don't shop, you don't pay sales tax.
If you need to shop, say, oh, to survive, or something like that, just move to Oregon or Delaware.
No sales tax.
You can TOTALLY live without paying taxes.
I should have my own infomercial.
Anyway, I will be a server/delivery-guy at this cute and fun new restaurant in Baldwin Park called Fresh Mouth.
This one should be a bit more successful of an operation than my last foray into a startup restaurant, if for no other reason than the fact that I live within walking distance from the restaurant so I don't have to worry about spending too much time and money traveling.

Our grand opening is on February 20th, but next Thursday, the 16th, friends and families of employees are welcome to come to a sneak preview. So anyone who wants to come try some great food at a fun, new restaurant, stay tuned and I'll keep you posted on the details next week.