11 November 2005

Oh yeah? Quiz This!

Alphabet Quiz Thingy

[A is for age]:

27 (but in 7 days it will be 28!!)
[B is for booze of choice]:
I don't drink alcohol. My booze of choice is milk.
[C is for career]:
Ca-what? I go to ca-school, so I don't feel like ca-working right now.
[D is for your dog's name]:
My last dog was Pepper. I miss my big-fat puppy.
[E is for essential items to bring to a party]:
umm...I don't go to parties. No one invites me unless the party is at my house, in which case it's pretty hard to not get invited.
[F is for favorite song at the moment]:
This is tough to answer for me because I like so many songs for so many different reasons, but I guess right now it's "As Long As You're Mine" from Wicked.
[G is for favorite game]:
Cranium ...whoooooo! Cranium!!! But I also love Scene It, Trivial Pursuit, Scattergories, Balderdash, Taboo, Guesstures, Picture! Picture!, and many, many, many others.
[H is for hometown]:
Vernon, Connecticut
[I is for instruments you play]:
tuba, soprano/alto/tenor/baritone saxophones, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, bamboo flute, tin whistle, ocarina, and I have fairly remedial piano skills.
[J is for jam or jelly you like]:
Fittingly, with my vast food-ignorance, I don't know the difference between jelly and jam. I guess I like any kind of either, but I tend to stick with plain ol' grape.
[K is for kids?]:
best served with jelly...or is it jam? I do not like dumb kids, or ham; I do not like them, Sam I Am.
[L is for last kiss]:
Steven, when I dropped him off at the airport last night.
[M is for mother's job]:
She's like Chandler. She's been at her job for 25 years, but I don't know exactly what she does. She works for an accounting firm. She started there as a "bookkeeper," but I think she is actually called an accountant now even though she never went to college. She does payroll for thousands of people every week, and she does people's taxes too. She is the unofficial world record holder for speed on the 10-key adding machine. I've never seen someone's fingers move so fast.
[N is for name of your crush]:
I don't have a crush, I have a husband.
[O is for overnight hospital stays]:
Not since the "mystery stay" when I was an infant. I was rushed to the hospital with some strange lump in my chest; I was magically cured overnight; and no one knows exactly what happened or what was wrong in the first place. According to mom, this is due to her faith and prayer. According to me, it's because I'm a superhero.
[P is for phobias]:
Dumfukophobia -- The fear of Republicanism.
[Q is for quotes you like]:
I could create an entire blog dedicated to quotes I like. I live my life in movie and television quotes. You never know when I'm speaking original dialogue or just quoting one of my hundreds of favorite movies or shows.
The following are a couple of my own classic, original TM quotes:
"I just want to crawl into your uterus. Doesn't that sound like fun?" (probably best not to ask where that came from or what it means...)
"It hurts in the chestal region!"
"No, the carpet does not match the drapes. It's hardwood flooring...with a small area rug."
"She's like Gage from Pet Sematary, only less throat-bitey."
[R is for relationship that lasted the longest]:
It still stands at just under 4 years with Melinda, but we're hoping that Steven is around longer, 2 years to go to break the record!!!
[S is for songs you like to sing at the holidays]:
Any traditional Xmas song that can be Arethified or PattiLaBellified by making it unusually loud and belty. That makes me happy, like Mariah's version of "O Holy Night." Also, anything secular.
[T is for time you wake up]:
On school days, between 7 and 7:30. Every other day, whenever I want.
[U is for underwear]:
Usually briefs, bikinis, or thongs.
[V is for vegetable you love]:
I don't love any vegetables, I like all of them except for hot and spicy ones, like jalapeƱos and those evil, goddamned radishes.
[W is for worst habit]:
Ummm...I don't think I have any bad habits. Wait, does making small children cry count?
[X is for x-rays you've had]:
Many, many, many. Mostly from after each car accident, but also when I fell off a cliff and the requisite dental x-rays to ensure proper tooth-healthage.
[Y is for yummy food you make]:
[Z is for zodiac sign]:

1 comment:

brenton said...

Hey mate, how are you? thought since you were kind enough to visit my blog, i'd visit yours...
How did i know a cute american would have a husband? lol