08 August 2006


I love this quiz for its randomness!

So, here are some fun questions that I mostly haven't answered yet:
(They mostly come at night...mostly.)

1. What are your siblings' middle names?
_____(blank: my sister doesn't have a middle name, just like me), Arthur, and Patrick.
2. Where is your dad right now?

sleeping, because he has to be at work at 3 a.m., specifically: Vernon, Connecticut.
3. What was the last thing you said?

I am SO glad that Janelle won the Power of Veto. (...and since I'm home alone, I guess I said that to the kitties, but I did actually say it out loud.)
4. What is something you've learned about yourself recently?

I can ride a scooter without falling off. (When I was a kid I tried to ride my uncle's moped, and every time I got to the end of the street and tried to turn around, I fell off.)
5. What color is your watch?
green face, silver band

6. What do you think of when you think of Australia?
my future home
7. When was the last time you squatted to pee?
umm...probably when I was 3 getting potty-trained.
8. Who is the last person you walked with?

If we're talking about walking for exercise's sake, that would be David.
9. Are you close to your mom?
Yes, ma'am.
10. Where does your best friend work?

I guess I don't really have a best friend; so, that would be nowhere.
11. What is your least attractive feature?

A birth defect caused me to only have one pectoral muscle; so, my chest.
12. How old were you when you started wearing a bra?

Are you calling me fat? I got rid of my moobies when I was like 15.
13. Would you rather own a motorcycle or scooter?

I drive a scooter as my primary mode of transportation.
14. Do you have a roommate?

15. What color is your bedroom flooring?

Underneath all the clothes and travel memorabilia, I think it's a beigey-tannish color.
16. Do you have a chair in your room?

Ha ha. No. No room.
17. What time of day were you born?

6:26 a.m., at the crack of dawn, or at the crack of Dotti, as it were.
18. Do you know anyone who is engaged?
I don't think so.
19. What's your favorite number(s)?
20. Do you know anyone named Laurie?

I actually do! Same spelling and everything. A girl I knew when I went to FSU. She was in the School of Music with me, she married one of my fraternity brothers, and I actually lived with them for a short time before they moved to Philly.
21. What color is your mom's hair?
Whatever color she's been dyeing it lately. Probably reddish-brown. Like mother, like son!
22. Do you have a dog?
Not at the moment. 2 sweet and adorable kitties.
23. Where did you live in 1987?
Vernon, Connecticut. My parents have been living in the same house for 40 years.
24. What happened to you in 1993?
Most significantly, probably performing in the All-New England Music Festival for the first time. It's a prestigious music festival for über-talented, high school student musicians from 6 states to perform in a wind symphony. I had only been playing the tuba for 7 months when I auditioned, and was accepted in. The Blizzard of '93 began on the day of our last concert (in March, by the way) and they cancelled a performance for the first time in the 60+ year history of the festival. Then my dad drove the two other representatives from my hometown home with us through over a foot of snow on the Interstate. Good times.
25. Does your first memory involve your dad?

No. My first memory is of me sitting on the floor in the living room in a diaper reading a Dr. Seuss book to my mom. I was 2.
26. Do you remember singing any songs as kids?

Totally. I used to make tapes with my friends. We would sing and do fake news reports.
27. When was the last time you went swimming?

Two weeks ago. Visiting my brother in Virginia.
28. Has your luggage ever gotten lost?

29. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?
Earlier tonight. My brother Tim.
30. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?

I went to Camp Newhoca for a couple of summers, then Camp Woodstock for a couple of summers.
31. Do you play an instrument?

Tuba, Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bari Saxophone, Trumpet, a little Trombone, a little Piano, a little bit of most any wind instrument.
32. Have you ever thought it would be cool to smash a guitar?

33. Do you like fire?

34. Where is your best friend from?

See above. I guess I don't have a best friend.
35. Are you allergic to anything?
TM stock answer: Republicans, and other stupid people.
36. When was the last time you cried?
I don't cry. I'm dead on the inside.
37. What kind of shampoo do you use?
urge? ...Urge?!?! (In case you don't remember the commercial: Clairol Herbal Essences)
38. Have you ever been to a spa?
Yup. mmm...spa.
39. Were you popular?

NO!!! (everyone knew me, but no one liked me, so I guess I was popularly unpopular...)
40. Did you take science all four years of high school?
Yup. I'm a nerd.
41. Do you like butterflies?

umm...I don't dislike them, because I love all creatures, but butterflies are boring.
42. What is the last book you read?

I'm on Book 7 of the Chronicles of Narnia, so technically: Book 6, The Silver Chair; or if you count the Chronicles as "1 book," then it was the DaVinci Code.
43. Do you like Coke or Pepsi more?

I prefer the cherry version of either.
44. What is one thing you miss about your past?

45. Did you ever see the school nurse?

Never. I don't ever get sick.
46. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?

No. I hate other people's children.
47. What is one thing you've learned about your life recently?

umm...redundant redundancy...This is the same question as #4.
48. Are you jealous of anyone?

49. Is anyone jealous of you?

I couldn't imagine why anyone would be.
50. When was the last time you were in an elevator?

Sometime in June when I stayed at one of Steven's layover hotels with him.

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